40+ Rip Wheeler quotes from Yellowstone TV series

Rip wheeler quotes, here we have mentioned more than 12 Rip wheeler quotes from the series. We picked the most useful and popular quotes.

Boy, get over here. The only painless way to learn this lesson is to watch it.

You might have gone through those scenes that are present here, and it would be very easy for you to understand the quotes if you have watched the whole series.

we too have article on Beth Dutton quotes you can read it by clicking on the word.

Rip Wheeler quotes;

What a f#ckin’ mess you’ve made of your last second chance. Life is a lesson, boy, one long lesson, but you’ve got to look to learn them, and you ain’t fu#kin’ lookin’!

I don’t choose the way. I make sure no one questions yours.

I’d rather kill a thousand men than shoot another horse.

Hey. You’re can away and then wander back in a few years, thinking everything’s going to be the same, which it won’t. I mean he might be gone. Shit, this ranch might be gone. And when it’s gone, baby, I’m gone. You break your promise to me, and it stays broke.

I was born on a dead-end road, honey. This world doesn’t need another generation of me.

I look at every day with you as a gift. My tommorows are, well, they’re all words. There’s no word I’d rather call you if that’s what you want.

yesterday’s what eats everybody. That’s why I don’t think about it.

I’m sorry’ are two words you never have to say to me.

There’s plenty of good in you, Beth, and none in that son of a b*tch. Trust me.

Boy, get over here. The only painless way to learn this lesson is to watch it.

I don’t choose the way. I make sure no one questions yours.

You know why people don’t come talk to you? Because they’re scared they’ll let you down. I know I am.

You gotta be kidding me, Jimmy. You risked your life for a f**kin’ belt buckle?

Hey, come here. When we get back to the ranch, I’m gonna kill you with my bare f**kin’ hands. I’m gonna kill you for this.

Nah, I’m gonna watch you leave this state. Look at me mother f****r. I wanna see it.

I was born on a dead-end road, honey. This world doesn’t need another generation of me.

I have been down this road many, many times before, buddy. And no one who tried it is alive to tell you how poorly that worked out for them.

I don’t need presents, Beth. Just you.

You know, when you boil life down, it’s funny just how little you need, isn’t it?

I forgot somethin’ that you forgot to get rid of.

When the f**k did the bunkhouse become paradise island? I mean, come on, Lloyd. You gotta be kidding me.

You let me handle the wranglers, and you’ll have both. That’s my job.

Rip Wheeler quotes from Yellowstone season 4;

Hey. You’re can away and then wander back in a few years, thinking everything’s going to be the same, which it won’t. I mean he might be gone. Shit, this ranch might be gone. And when it’s gone, baby, I’m gone. You break your promise to me, and it stays broke.

Rip: Beth, you’re not gonna do this at breakfast, are you? Because I have to eat my breakfast quick.
Beth: What? Do what? What the fu#k am I doing? OK. You know what I’m doin’? I’m f#ckin’ leavin’, that’s what I’m doin’.

Rip: We’re lookin’ for something, but you won’t tell me what. What is it? Hm?
Beth: The place where you make me your wife.

This is for your protection, Lloyd. This is to protect you from yourself.

Boy, get over here. The only painless way to learn this lesson is to watch it.

Rip: I want you to listen to me. He’s not our son. No matter who he becomes, he never will be. Nobody will.
Beth: The day’s comin’ when you will resent me for that.
Rip: No, I won’t, sweetie.

Rip: Life is plenty hard. You don’t need to help it, you hear me?
Beth: You sayin’ I make life harder?
Rip: Every day.

Some emotional words from Rip wheeler – Hey, mama. I met somebody. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with her. I could’ve gone to some store and bought her some f**kin’ ring, but what does that mean? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t curse. I want her to wear yours. Maybe you can, uh, maybe you can know her, too, somehow. I don’t know. I love you, mom. Thank you.

These were some of the best Rip Wheeler quotes that we found for you.

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We too have articles on Beth Dutton Quotes and John Dutton quotes from this series, make sure to also check them out.

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